Dienstag, 27. März 2012


Ok, marathons might be very nice, but this one was too much for me :D
I had to take a 2 day break and today I made a little ball-pen animation tribute to Brösel´s "Flachköpper". Have fun:

Freitag, 23. März 2012

Mittwoch, 21. März 2012

Day 3

Today I tried to do 2-minute-poses. 
       I guess it worked....       


Dienstag, 20. März 2012

Day 2

For today I made twenty pretty ugly and discouraging 60 second sketches of poses from posemaniacs.com . I couldn´t handle the most camera angles and one minute is way too short for me to get anything acceptable done. Tomorrow I´ll take more time for each drawing again...
much more :D

Montag, 19. März 2012

Sketching marathon (day 1)

Beginning with today, I´ll be taking part on a sketching marathon with some of my classmates and other AM eager beavers. It´s going to be a hard challenge for me and I really hope that I can keep up with the others!
  • Rules:

    We start with 10 sketches on day one (Mondays) and and continue to do ten more each day. That means 10 on day one - 20 on day 2, 30 on day 3 and so on till we do 100 a day.

    So here we got my first 10 sketches:

Donnerstag, 8. März 2012

City sketchin

Yesterday I bought some paper and today I had to check out the city. I tried to focus only on speed and the gestures.

These didn´t move:
Those did:

As you can see, there´s much to do! :D

Dienstag, 6. März 2012

The Little Painter (Kenny Roy´s animation marathon)

It was a true pleasure to be able to watch Kenny Roy´s 24 hour animation marathon today and yesterday. The experience of seeing a scene coming to life from the first sketches was irreplacable!

Here´s Kenny´s workflow checklist:

Kenny kept us updated with playblasts and very interesting workflow insights. Here´s a video to see how everything slowly came together (including the final render):

If you want to support Kenny Roy´s short film visit:



It was a great and also a very rare chance to be able to look over a pro´s shoulder and see him doing a great animation just from scratch. Unfortunately I couldn´t stay awake for the whole time, so I missed the last little tweaks and the polishing phase. Some of my future classmates were attending the marathon as well and all of us had a great time in our little skype-group. I even know of someone who stayed through the whole thing and doesn´t regret a minute :D

So everything I have left to say is:

Kenny Roy uploaded the whole 24 hour marathon on his Website. You can download or watch it here:

First post ever

Hello everybody,
since I´m starting AM´s character animation program in summer, I decided to create a little blog for my family, friends and classmates to keep track of my work. This first post will include the things I did to prepare myself for school.
I already got to know some very nice and inspiring people at AM, and even before class has started, we´re helping and motivating each other like crazy.

We´re eager, expect us!

First I have two walkcycles and a little sidekick fun created in Blender. I did the modelling as well as the rigging to get a basic understanding of the technical background:

The next things are my first pendulum, and a bouncing ball test in which the bouncing ball alone wasn´t enough for me (Blender as well):

And last bat not least we got my first steps in Maya 2011 and a little pencil test. I tried to finish the pencil step but the final result was too crappy to be uploaded. I´ll be coming back to this another day:

So that´s it for my first post, thanks for watching!